2nd WIF
International Mediation Writing Competition

Are you a law student in Cyprus?
Participate in this educational event, acquire valuable skills and win a cash prize of 500 USD in each category.

Supported by ELSA Cyprus

Supported by Cyprus Association of Mediators

Register and attend live webinars

Students who register have the opportunity to attend live educational seminars or webinars (depending on COVID-19 restrictions).
Participants who attend the webinars and submit a valid entry will receive a certificate of participation and attendance

Write a mediation brief

Give the mediator and the other side a comprehensive overview of the case, following the rules of the competition and the webinar material.

Win a cash prize! 1000 USD in prizes

1st prize for Category 1 (undergraduate students): 500 $ (USD)
1st prize for Category 2 (postgraduate students): 500 $ (USD)

What does WIF Competition offer to the students?

The next generation of law professionals who currently study in Cyprus will be introduced to mediation advocacy and the mindset of the international lawyer, who is not only capable of representing clients before a Court of Law, but also possesses the skills to lead them to successful deals through mediation.
Mastering the skills to present in writing the facts of a case briefly and accurately, designing a negotiation roadmap and looking for sustainable and creative solutions for their clients -all parts of a good mediation advocacy strategy- will distinguish them in a competitive job market .

Co- Sponsoring Law Firms

Christos Georgiades & Associates LLC

M. Eliades and Partners LLC

Participating Law Schools

(More Law Schools to be announced soon)

European University of Cyprus-
School of Law

University of Cyprus- Department of Law

Law Schools in Cyprus
USD First Prize for Cyprus
Participating Countries